Are you tired of rituals, customs and incomprehensible services? Songs that are supposed to lift your spirits, but instead make you sad ? Do you want to learn to pray and have your prayers answered? Do you want a new life with God?
Welcome to our church
Christian Church „Good News“ in the Republic of Macedonia is an autonomous Church based in Skopje, which is the only official representative in the R. of Macedonia of “Church of God” Tennessee, Cleveland, USA.
Activities and services in the Church
God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus so that everyone who believes in Him can be saved and receive eternal life by the Grace of God. The price of our salvation is the sacrifice of God’s Son which is so worth it because Jesus died for us all. Jesus, anointed by the Holy Spirit, did good and showed us God’s Will for us, reconciled us to God, justified us and adopted us by the Grace of God.
The Good News – Good News that we receive in our hearts consists in the fact that people who lived in sin and died because of it, they now receive salvation through Jesus and faith in Him, by Grace.
Our goal in Christian Church “Good News” in R.M. is for everyone to hear the Good News, to receive it, to believe in Christ and to be saved, and with that the person, apart from being a believer, should become a follower of Christ who will reflect the character of Jesus in his life.
We believe in:
• Repentance of sins
• Triune God: God – the Father, God the Son – Jesus and the Holy Spirit
• Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose from the dead
• Spiritual rebirth – under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
• Salvation from eternal death to eternal life as a gift from the Lord Jesus Christ
• Baptism in water – baptism of repentance
• Baptism in the Holy Spirit – accompanied by speaking in various unknown languages, interpretation, prophesying, healing, etc.
• Participation in the Lord’s Supper
• Faith in works – healing and deliverance in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
• Rapture of believers to heaven and the return of Jesus Christ for his Church
Да бидеме живи Христијани значи да живееме за Бога и со Бога. Во нашето заедништво со Бога ние сме должни да Му служиме Него и да Го славиме и почитуваме во послушност и посветеност. Затоа празниците кои се празнувани од живите Христијани се изразуваат со собирање на верниците во Црквата, молитви и славење на Бога, читање од Библијата. Ние ги празнуваме:EVENTS
Events and activities of our Church
Events, activities, trainings, camps are organized every year in our Church.
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