To be living Christians means to live for God and with God. In our communion with God we are obliged to serve Him and to glorify and honor Him in obedience and devotion. That is why the holidays that are celebrated by living Christians are expressed by the gathering of believers in the church, prayers and glorification of God, conferences, seminars, concerts, promotion of books, reading from the Bible. These holidays are:
Christmas – Birth of Christ, a holiday when all the believers gathered in the church glorify God and understand that the Son of God, who was before the creation of the world, became embodied on Earth to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father – the salvation of mankind.
Resurrection day – Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ – a holiday when believers in the church glorify God and understand what Jesus did on the cross for all of humanity, how he died, was buried and rose again on the third day.
Pentecost – Pentecost is the 50th day since the Resurrection of Christ, the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the Earth on the Apostles and they were clothed with power from God to serve with faith preaching the Good News everywhere. This day is the birthday of the first Christian Church, especially significant for the Christian Church Good News in R.M. which follows the Biblical concept of functioning.
Reformation Day – a religio-political movement against the Catholic Church that was started by the German priest Martin Luther in 1517 and ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Luther opposed the Pope’s policy of selling letters of forgiveness for sins, called indulgences, as well as the some theological understandings of the Catholic Church. The result of Luther’s movement is the breaking of the unity of the Catholic Church. He laid the foundations of Protestantism, which, along with Orthodoxy and Catholicism, is one of the dominant denominations in Christianity.
During these holidays in Christian Church Good News in R.M. there are no rituals and traditional signs such as kneading bread with a coin, fasting food, lighting fire, kissing icons, painting eggs, walking through cemeteries on Pentecost and sharing food, because all this is pagan and not Biblically justified, i.e. Christ and the Apostles did not do all this.